Service Design Challenges

As part of my work instructing and speaking at General Assembly and Designation, I am often asked to provide design challenge prompts. UX Students are provided challenges with a week to research and prepare a response. Some of the challenges I’ve issued to students:

The Renewable Energy Design Challenge

The transition from limited natural resources to renewable energy is a problem that impact us all on both a local and global scale. How might we make renewable energy more accessible at the local level?

Highlights from student responses included a residential system for heating water with compost and a re-imagined pathway system for the Chicago lakefront. 

The Food Waste Design Challenge

What can be done within your local community to tackle the problem of food waste? What specific innovations do you think would need to be researched and explored?

Highlights from student responses included an on-demand service for picking up and recycling food waste from restaurants and hotels, as well as a smart refrigerator that alerted users when food was going to expire.